Category: Commercial

Best practices in managing work site traffic

Best practices in managing work site traffic

Worksite traffic is a key risk factor for injury to employees and bystanders. At construction sites, companies have a responsibility to keep people safe around cars and movable equipment. When multiple businesses share a workspace, they must cooperate to control the traffic-related dangers. While considering how to control the dangers associated with work site traffic, companies must communicate with their employees. Application of the words “must” and “should” The words “must” and “should” denote whether a particular course of conduct is mandated by the law or is merely a suggested course of action. Must – A requirement that must be followed by law. Should – Advisable method of practice. Worksite traffic is a key risk factor for injury to employees and bystanders. Who should follow these recommendations? Any person managing an organisation or endeavour  who oversees a job site where automobiles or portable machinery are in use or whose employees perform work at such a site is subject to the rules in this section. Workers, health and safety experts, or traffic management consultants who advise PCBUs on traffic management may also find it valuable. What are the objectives of these rules? These recommendations offer guidance on how to reduce traffic-related risks for employees and other visitors at construction sites. It gives instances of typical control measures and when they should be employed. What exactly are the objectives of these rules? These recommendations offer guidance on how to reduce traffic-related risks for employees and other visitors at construction sites. It gives instances of typical control techniques and when using them might be suitable. The advice is divided into five key categories: There will be some industries or workplaces where some examples provided in these recommendations will be more applicable than others. Every job site will have different aspects that need to be taken into account. Each PCBU will have to determine whether controls are practically feasible in their particular circumstance. Additional traffic management guidance that is especially customised to your particular work site may be available from a competent traffic management consultant (such as a traffic engineer). What types of traffic are covered by these regulations? All sorts of congestion, including small cars, big machinery, and mobile devices that may be operated or driven on a job site, are covered by these regulations. This applies to coming into and leaving a job location. Vehicles used on construction sites that fall under these regulations include: For instance, both heavy and light vehicles Mobile plant with power, for instance: Equipment for material handling (telehandlers, walkie stackers, reach trucks, and forklifts), vehicles used in agriculture, such as tractors What kinds of workplaces are covered by these recommendations? There are two primary categories of workplaces: static workplaces, where the layout is often constant, and dynamic workplaces, where the layout may occasionally alter. Both types of work sites are covered by these regulations. Both indoor as well as outdoor traffic activities are covered by these regulations. Examples of static work sites Examples of dynamic work sites Get in touch with Proactive Group if you want a traffic management plan for your specific work location.

Vehicle Tracking System Advantages

Vehicle tracking systems are greatly beneficial for fleet business which include car rentals, tour bus operators, delivery companies and cab operators. Al smart business owners know the importance of a vehicle tracking system, this is why there has been a surge in the use of trackers in all kinds of business.

Plus there is a continuous addition of new features which makes it possible for the tracking system to be even more useful. The following are a few advantages which can be gained with the implementation of vehicle tracking systems.

Offers real time tracking

  • A vehicle tracking system can track and monitor the vehicles in real time. The vehicle can be tracked with the help of a virtual map which sends information regarding the position of the vehicle at specific time intervals. As the vehicle progresses from one destination to the other it can be tracked with ease. This comes in use during route management when there are a great deal of obstacles on the route. Plus it is a great deal of help during disaster management, in case something like that ever occurs. The vehicles speed as well as its locations at any pint can be checked. You would know whether the vehicle is in a parked space or in movement. This feature allow companies to monitor a number of vehicles at the same time.
  • It can help you keep track of the vehicle history as well. This way it’s easier for you to find where and when your vehicle has been driven. It can help obtain information like how many kilometres have been covered by a vehicle, idle stops, the speed and the performance of the engine during each journey.
  • The vehicle tracking systems offers real time alerts to fleet owners. Few alerts which the owners would receive are the start time alerts, route deviation alert, over speeding alerts and needless stopping alert. All these things makes it easier to keep track of how an employee is performing. Plus it also makes it easier to track employees who are hardworking and productive. This way you can single out the people who are serious and working with a good work ethic. However it’s not only useful for fleet owners but also for parents who are concerned regarding their child’s safety while they are driving.
  • The geo fencing features allows vehicle tracking to go to the next level of customised alerts. This allows the driver or feet owners to create geographical boundaries known as geo fences on the map. This are areas chosen for your own personal preference. Once the vehicle crosses geo fence, you would be immediately sent an alert to the phone. This kind of alert can help improve operational efficiency, provide the right kind of security, and also help improve an employee productivity.

A vehicle tracking system has many great and useful benefits the likes of which has helped companies gain a great deal of professional growth and improved employee morale as well.

Eco Friendly Take Away Coffee Cups

The benefits of using eco-friendly products

Ever wondered why you should buy eco friendly take away coffee cups? After all, there is so much hype about protecting our environment and what does it matter if we don’t really consider buying eco friendly products. There are several reasons why you should think green as well. The impact of each person’s carbon footprint is a cumulative effect. It is therefore necessary for every person to do their bit for the environment and this is exactly where eco friendly take away coffee cups come in as well.

So what does eco friendly actually mean? Eco-friendly products do not harm the environment. These are products which provide benefit for the people in a social, economic and environmental way and helps preserve public health. Those who use these products can help reduce pollution and contamination of air, water and soil.

The following are a few reasons why you should invest in eco friendly take away coffee cups:

  • Eco friendly products can help you save money in the long run. This is because these are made from recycled material, therefore are more durable and of a much better quality.
  • In other words these products contribute to providing all individuals with a healthier lifestyle. Most products available in the market tend to be made of chemicals which could be potentially harmful and can put a person at the risk of developing any illness. On the other hand eco-friendly products can eliminate the risk because these are made from natural materials and are free of additives as well.
  • Their packaging is biodegradable. While plastic is a go to item for wrapping stuff, it can be quite harmful for the environment. Those who manufacture eco-friendly products ensure that the packaging of these products is made from recycled materials. This allows the packaging to decompose easily into the environment without causing any harm.
  • An interesting fact regarding the packaging of these products is that these are often embedded with seeds so when they are taken to a land fill to be disposed of the seeds are released into the soil ad could help make new plants grow.
  • Using ecofriendly products doesn’t conflict with a person’s morals. None of these products are used on animals or tested on animals.
  • Last but not the least these are products which are good for the environment. This is because the land, air and water including all our natural resources are at a constant threat from the amount of waste which we put into the environment. With eco friendly products we can be assured that these contain no pollutants and toxins.

When buying eco friendly take away coffee cups keep in mind that you research about the company which produces these products. Get to know if they have made use of biodegradable materials in the making of these coffee cups. There are several reasons to make the switch to products which are beneficial for the environment. For more information on take away coffee cups, make sure you check out the variety available at

Electrical Contractor

How to Choose the Right Electrical Contractor

Choosing the right electrical contractor is important if you want the job to be done well. Search for a trustworthy and an authentic electrical contractor for any household or commercial repair or maintenance. Smooth running of your household system is dependent on the electrical system. For retrofitting, choosing the right person who has experienced small and large-scale electrical fittings is important. Brisbane electrical contractors and engineering projects are a great reference to begin your work at home.

Some of the tips to choose an appropriate electrical contractor are:

1. Ask for References

There is a chance that there is someone in the construction industry who can give various recommendations. Other than the construction industry, ask family and friends. Ask about the scope of their project and their satisfaction.

We can also consult from local hardware and electrical supply stores who often have a list of professionals which they recommend to their customers. Take information from a reliable source. A reference to any contractor might help in conveying the extent of work to the contractor easily.

2. Know What You Need

After selecting the right person for the job, ensure your requirements for the project are outlined. Decide the timeline of the project because this is a key factor whether the electrical contractor will work for the project or not. Give appropriate details to the contractor so that he provides a specified time frame.

Be specific for your demands. Improper details given to the contractor might result in further worsening situations. Before calling the electrician, jot down a list of things to be changed in your current flow of things.

3. Experience

experienced electrician

Hire an experienced electrician who has worked on numerous projects. Ask the electrician for reference work to make sure you are aware of his capabilities. Also, an experienced person can understand your message more conveniently. An experienced electrician will find cost-effective and time efficient solutions to your needs.

Also, he’ll understand your requirements easily as compared to someone who has less experience. He’ll give a more accurate estimate of the work to be done. Improvements in various systems can be introduced by that person if you are unaware.

4. Check License and Insurance

It’s worthwhile to ask the contractor for his license and insurance. Nowadays, a lot of people work without any insurance or license. These people use ways learnt from their elders and replicate them in various projects. Every system does not have the same requirement and this layman might damage the house.

A licensed contractor has gone through all the training and courses to perform his job safely. Always ask for the license of the contractor. Hiring someone without all the requirements is risky and may end up affecting your budget.

5. History

Check the person’s history as to how he has worked in his previous projects. Ask questions from the company under which he is working and demand an experience letter or project for reference. See their records of previous works. Their attitude with customer is also something relevant if you want to make him work for you.

Choose a contractor wisely!

Electric BBQ

The many benefits of grilling your food

Many health conscious people know the importance of eating fewer fats or rather substituting them with a healthier option. Not only is grilled food cooked on an electric barbecue much healthier but it’s delicious as well.

The following are a few benefits of cooking your food on an electric BBQ.

You tend to eat less of the fatty stuff

Any excess oil on the food drips off into the grill and you are left with food which contains less fat. Imagine you are cooking a beef patty on the grill, all you would need is to use a mall brush with dripping to coat the pieces of meat. In case you use a pan you would need to put in more oil just to make sure the meat doesn’t stick to the pan. The fat is reabsorbed into the food and contains a great deal more calories. If you are health conscious, trying to lose weight or simple concerned about the wellbeing of your body, an electric grill is a great option.

Grilled vegetables retain their natural goodness

Vegetables contain loads of vitamins. However when you cook veggies those vitamins tend to disappear and you don’t get the wholesome goodness you should. So when you grill your veges you simply char them to perfection without the whole juice flowing out. The goodness is retained and you get maximum benefit from devouring those crunchy and juicy vegetables. Grilling your vegetables is always a better option than either boiling or frying them.

Food which is grilled retains its nutrition

Meat contains riboflavins and thiamine. These nutrients are necessary to promote a healthy body and immune system. However when we deep fry the mea or boil, the nutrients tend to burn off. However when you grill meat, it cooks faster and the meat retains its nutrients and flavours.

You need to use less butter

Though grilling to perfection is an art but one which can be learned quickly. If you grill the food you know it will retain the moisture and won’t be burnt to char. Imagine eating delicious chunks of meat and vegetables. You would realize that you don’t need to slather too much butter. This in turn would cut down the number of calories in the food and keep you healthy.

You can have great parties

That’s right. Nothing beats lazy Sunday afternoons enjoying the heat and snacking on some juicy steak grilled to perfection. If you are the kind of person who loves to entertain, then an electric bbq is a must have for your home. Plus there is no smoke or char to worry about. Things stay clean and you get to enjoy your grilled food and so do your guests.

You can grill more than just meats and vegetables

Are you the sort of person who prefers eating delicious food and always on the lookout for variety? Turn to the internet for some great ideas. You can enjoy more than just meats and vegetables on the grill. Ever heard of grilled pizza? Well yes you can grill your pizza too and enjoy it hot from the stove.

Looking to buy an electric grill? Make sure you contact an authorised retailer.